Webconferences.com has helped the Catholic Distance University (CDU) move from a paper-based institution prior to 2000 to its current status as a full online university with graduate, undergraduate and continuing education programs. Nearly 30 years after its beginning CDU has grown into a university with full and part-time students from all 50 states and 60 countries , studying graduate and undergraduate theology and continuing education materials for adult faith formation with faculty including world-renowned theologians and scripture experts
The online campus has areas for both students and faculty and has a separate room for each course and seminar. There are Graduate and Undergraduate courses, Continuing Education Courses, and Academic Skills courses
The student life center is a special feature of the online campus. In the student life center are key areas that are central to student’s learning and social interaction:
- Resource room
- Technology room
- Café
- Chapel
All of these areas on the virtual campus are designed to encourage interactive dialogue and mutually supportive learning among students and faculty, who are geographically far apart, most of whom have never met face to face. Webconferences.com is responsible for technical support for all course and seminar offerings and oversees the student life center, facilitating access for all students and faculty and troubleshooting for problem solving.